
Founded in 2009 by Raffaele Caruso, it deals with architectural design, urban planning, interior design, and product design.

What we do


RCARCHITECTS offers specific and rigorous projects, without neglecting composition and aesthetics. The studio is fascinated by innovative typological solutions, particularly in residential areas.
Attention to detail and innovation in materials and forms characterize all our projects, from interior design to multifunctional spaces, to retail.


Today, the spaces on via Garigliano host a growing number of collaborators, including architects, interior designers, and supporting roles in design. The studio’s innovative capacity is a result of the quality of our collaborators, the true cornerstone of the studio in terms of professionalism and humanity.


Raffaele Caruso


Raffaele Caruso is the founder of Raffaele Caruso Architects Studio. Graduated in Architecture from Sapienza University of Rome, Raffaele consistently oversees the development and quality of projects, closely monitoring their progress. He personally coordinates the work team using a method that blends listening, intuition, and experimentation to consistently seek innovative solutions characterized by quality and a focus on human needs.


Raffaele Caruso


Raffaele Caruso is the founder of Raffaele Caruso Architects Studio. Graduated in Architecture from Sapienza University of Rome, Raffaele consistently oversees the development and quality of projects, closely monitoring their progress. He personally coordinates the work team using a method that blends listening, intuition, and experimentation to consistently seek innovative solutions characterized by quality and a focus on human needs.

Project Manager

Chiara Zazzini

senior architect & interior designer

Project Officer

Mauro Loreti

architect & 3D visual artist


Lucrezia Crespi

interior designer

Project Manager

Erica Indiveri

senior architect & interior designer


Our approach to architecture is analytical, pragmatic, and balanced; it draws strength from tradition while continually generating new linguistic codes. Intuition enriches our design process, complementing analytical methods to synthesize complexity with original and valuable solutions. Our profession presents us with captivating challenges, linked to the pursuit of precise and timeless solutions. Over the years, we have met these challenges while remaining open to those that will come tomorrow.